As a lawyer, you’re under a lot of pressure. You must be competent in your field, handle cases, and stay up-to-date with the law. But that’s not all! You may also be responsible for the business side of things, from marketing your firm and making contacts to growing your client base. It can feel like an impossible task, but it is possible to do both well. But how?

Find an agency specializing in legal digital marketing for law firms! A top-notch legal digital marketing agency can help you expand your reach and grow your business while you focus on practicing law.

A Law Firm is a Business

Law firms are businesses and need a digital marketing strategy in place if they want to grow. Digital marketing for law firms can take many forms, but the most effective approach is usually a combination of several strategies.

A top-notch digital marketing agency can help you create a strategy that will work best for your law firm and help you achieve your growth goals.

Digital Marketing for Law Firm Growth

You can implement many digital marketing strategies to grow a law firm, but some are more effective than others. The most important thing is to find an agency specializing in digital marketing for law firms that can create a customized strategy for your business.

Some of the most common and effective digital marketing strategies for law firms include:

Digital Marketing for Law Firm: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Digital marketing for a law firm can optimize your website and content to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEO helps potential clients find you when they search for keywords related to your practice area.

With the content on your pages using the highest ranking keywords, you will rank higher in search results and see more traffic to your website!

Digital Marketing for Law Firm: Create Quality Content

Quality content can include:

  • Blog posts: Find an agency with extensive experience writing content for all types of legal issues across the country.
  • Scholarly Articles: You can create these by writing for non-profits or academic publications.
  • Infographics and Images: Grow your traffic with clicks! Photos, videos, or infographics grab user attention. 
  • Videos: Videos get more clicks than graphic content alone.
  • Downloadable Informative content that gives you email addresses (lead magnets)

Quality content educates potential clients about your firm and helps to build trust. It also sets you up as an authority in your practice area.

Website Design & Eye-Catching Downloads

In today’s world, most people check out a website before calling an attorney. You’ll need a well-organized, user-friendly, and eye-catching design along with content that draws in potential clients.

You’ll also need to ensure that your site looks and works just as well on mobiles and tablets! Your website is like your office and needs to look authoritatively knowledgeable and professional.

Your website is an investment asset for your business. Because many potential clients see your site, you need to get their attention at first glance.

An experienced marketing agency can help you grab attention with downloadable lead magnets (free downloads of engaging and informative content). You draw clients in to take advantage of your legal expertise by giving away informative lead magnets.

Digital Marketing for Law Firm: Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn connect your firm with potential clients and generate leads. A marketing agency can set you up to easily connect with potential clients on all of the pertinent social media sites.

In addition, those who check out your website often look at your social media pages to get a better feel for who you are and what matters to your law practice. Posts about your pro bono or charity work can impact potential clients’ perception of your values. In our world today, more clients are starting to care about who you are before laying out their hard-earned money.

Digital Marketing for Law Firm: Pay-per-click (PPC) Advertising

It’s essential to run ads on search engines and social media platforms targeting potential clients in your area. With this kind of targeted marketing, you reach the individuals already looking for you!

A top-shelf marketing agency understands the search engine algorithms underlying pay-per-click ads. They know how to eliminate the words that might bring costly clicks that amount to nothing. But they also have the research capabilities to find the best keywords that bring the clients straight to your door!

Email Marketing for Law Firms

Sending newsletters, announcements, or other types of email communications to subscribers on your mailing list is crucial to building a network these days.

Keep past clients informed about what you’re doing now. Remind them of who you are with “top of mind” informative emails. Let past clients and new subscribers know what you offer that can help them face their legal issues today.

Your marketing agency can create all the content and retain the interest of your new subscribers. Email marketing done well is precisely timed to create interest and draw clients into making a phone call or contacting you for help. Emails hold onto past clients’ interest and bring in potential new clients.

Get Your Name Out There To Grow

Every day you wait to start your growth strategy is a day you fall further behind the firms that pay attention to their online presence.

Digital marketing for a law firm is an essential part of growing today. If you want to take your business to the next level, find a digital marketing agency specializing in legal marketing! They can create a customized strategy to help you achieve your growth goals.

The legal digital marketing agency you choose should possess:

  • A deep understanding of the legal industry
  • The ability to create a customized digital marketing strategy for your law firm
  • Well-written and legally competent content
  • A track record of success in helping other law firms grow their businesses

When you find an agency that has these qualities, you can feel confident that they can help you grow your law firm. So what are you waiting for? Get your name out there and grow!

We Can Help

Whoosh Agency applies current digital marketing strategies, bringing new growth to law firms. Our prior legal-sector experience has brought millions of dollars to the firms engaging our services.

Our Google reviews speak to our professionalism in legal marketing, with past clients raving about our content production, authoritative grasp of legal concepts, and willingness to focus on the legal practice areas they want to grow. We work with law firms across the country, and our reputation extends to every corner.

Find out what we can do for you by scheduling your discovery call today. We are happy to discuss how we can help you grow exponentially and make your name known in your area of expertise!